2024 Solar Eclipse
Dear Parent/Guardian
On Monday April 8, 2024, many parts of Texas will be able to observe the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. We understand that there are some districts who have chosen to close but we feel this is an excellent opportunity for learning in the classroom. At this time, Lipan ISD will have school during the eclipse. Because of this, we have put the following in place to enhance learning on that day:
- Each Campus will have planned activities on that day to engage and educate students as they prepare to observe the eclipse.
- Staff will monitor students as they view the eclipse in the appropriate areas.
- Each student and staff member will be supplied with approved glasses so that they can view the eclipse safely.
- If you DO NOT want your child to participate in the viewing of the eclipse planned on this day, you will be required to complete the Solar Eclipse opt out form online. Students not participating will be provided learning in their classroom but will not be allowed to view the eclipse.
If your child will be participating in the learning activities provided, please discuss safety precautions with your child and the importance of never looking directly into the sun without eye protection. For more information regarding safety protocols during the eclipse, please visit: http://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/.
This is a great opportunity to share this historic event! Thank you for your cooperation.
Ralph Carter, Ed.D
Lipan ISD